19 March 2014

HWBs are a year old - lessons learned

Distillation of learning during the first year of HWBs
NHS Confederation, 19 March 2014
  • Practical new resources distilling lessons learned during health and wellbeing boards’ (HWBs) first full year of operation.
  • The multi-media resources to share valuable learning and insight from HWBs across England on their development as system leaders, and explore three key themes: facilitating shared ownership; working across boundaries; and the future of system leadership.
  • The resources are based on three workshops run by the NHS Confederation, Department of Health, Local Government Association and NHS England in February 2014.
  • Key findings from the workshops include:
    • HWBs are at different stages of development 
    • organisations working together to provide system leadership is not easy, and a ‘big ask’ at such an early stage 
    • the importance of having challenging conversations about difficult issues 
    • the need to develop a shared purpose, invest in relationships and build trust 
    • the importance of working with the public and others from the beginning and having bottom-up approach.