13 March 2014

An overview of adult social care in England

Adult social care in England: overview
National Audit OFfice, 13 March 2014
  • The report details increasing pressures on the care system where adults with long-term and multiple health conditions and disabilities are living longer; demand for services is rising while public spending falls; and there is unmet need for care and highlights the increasing pressure on other parts of the care and health systems.
  • Part 1 - Rising care needs and falling state spending a description of adults’ care needs, how needs vary and why, projections of need, how care meets adults’ needs, and how care is paid for. 
  • Part 2 - Pressures and system redesign (through the Care Bill)
    • Appendix A - Local authority spending on adult care services:cost-variance analysis
    • Appendix B - Overseeing adult care - responsible organisations
    • Appendix C - Adult Social Care Outcomes Framework measures, 2012-13
    • Appendix D - Adult social care information sources